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Showing posts from July, 2018

Distinct FeaturesThat Travelers Appreciate About Boutique Lodging Establishments

There are several features of a Boutique Hotel that set it apart from big chains and generic luxury hotels. A list of features can help people learn whether a lodging establishment can be considered boutique even if the place isn't advertised that way. Uniqueness and Authenticity A combination of uniqueness and authenticity is a hallmark of boutique hotels. The establishment owners don't try to pretend the lodging is something it really is not. An example of pretense would be a new cookie-cutter concrete block exterior housing an interior created to look like 19th-Century England. Personalized Attention Personalized attention is another distinct feature of these hotels. Although most hotels are likely to have friendly staff members at the front desk, there are so many guests at any given time that being able to remember all of them is impossible. Boutique lodging has a smaller number of rooms, so this is not an issue. Part of the Neighborhood These types of hotels...